Friday, January 21, 2011

Days Like This

My 63rd birthday is approaching next week.  Not a milestone age but in two years I will get the Old Age Supplement form the Canadian Pension Plan.  I don’t feel that old and I still like to live life as large as I can.  Having said that, there are days like this when my spirits sag and my energy is low. This state was not helped by current case of writer’s block.

Then, all it takes is a call from a special friend to lift the miasma of a thoroughly crappy day with rain, darkness, and no riding.  I got that call and it lifted my spirits and changed the complexion of the day.  Now I listened to Van Morrison while assembling the sissy bar for the new Harley.

When it's not always raining there'll be days like this
When there's no one complaining there'll be days like this
When everything falls into place like the flick of a switch
Well my mama told me there'll be days like this

Got some great supportive messages from other friends reminding me of what I already knew and probably have blogged about.  I was off and running!   Uncovered the bikes and cleaned up the mess the rain had left then covered it before the next storm came along.  Time to put on some Eric Clapton.  There’s nothing playing the blues to beat the blues! Long distance Call was on the Bose Wave.

We create our own happiness a real friend reminded me in a message.  Here I was all morning dragging my butt around the house feeling miserable.  It is so true.  It took a call and a message to remind me of my own message. Create a mood of negativity and rains will fall and you will feel crappy guaranteed.  Turn it around and see the positive and see the opportunity.  What was a lousy day became a good day full of productive work and happiness.

I finished the edges on a painting my brother brought for me from my home studio.  Worked on the Harley.  Cleaned the cabin. Wrote some verse. Planned my route and stops for a run to Key West. Wrote this blog post.

We are so much in control of our immediate state of mind if we just remember to turn those sorry old negative thoughts and feelings around and see the opportunity.  I have the personal freedom to go to Key West next week if I chose and have a great time in the sun on my 63rd birthday.  What’s wrong with that?  Nothing!!!  If my riding friend can go, then it is even better.  If not, I still get to go and enjoy treating myself to some sun and music in a place I hear is very special and the hundreds of miles will bond me closer to my new Harley and get me ready to ride to Texas next month to visit my friends Clyde and Sandra, wintering there with their Harleys.

Sometimes it takes a trigger to help us shift our state of mind from what we don’t want to what we really want; to feel good and to be happy!  We all need a hand sometimes regaining that positive perspective.  Thanks to my special friends phone call and the message from another dear friend, the mirror was put in front of me and I remembered.  Friends are very dear and so valuable to our well being as part of our human world.  Think about it.  Is there someone you know that might be struggling and could use a lift?  Pick up the phone and give them a call.  Your voice just may put a smile on their face and help them beat the blues!

Take that, writer’s block!

Van Morrison - Days Like This

I feel the west wind calling me
To the mountains of Colorado
And on to the blue Pacific
The west wind of bounty
The harvest and realization
Of our hopes

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