Sunday, March 11, 2012

A New Journey Begins

It has been many months since I last wrote a blog post.  In the time since I last wrote life has been very busy, complicated and full of ups and downs; I met my fiancee Debra, I recovered from injuries suffered in a bike crash last May, we found a house after months of looking and moved in October 21st, we had my 2011 Road Glide delivered to Canada by my friend Tudor, we renovated the house (ongoing like, forever), we went to San Diego and Baja California, and I set up a new art/music/photography studio.

I have been retired now since 2008 but Debra is still working and will be for a while yet.  While she earns our daily bread, I work on projects around the house.  One thing that remained an incomplete chapter in my book of life was my art.  I got side-tracked by my career and had asthma issues so I drifted away from something I love to do.  Creative pursuits energize me in a way that turns everything around me into a positive experience.  Working on my writing, painting, or working in the field with my camera elevates my sense of well-being and that infuses every aspect of my life.

After talking with Debra about it on many occasions, I decided to take the plunge and get back to my art with the intention of selling my work.  This winter I dove back into the world of art and managed to keep the home repair/reno list under control.  At this moment, I have 4 works underway and a new website to showcase my work and in the near future, I will add an e-commerce function to sell original works and limited edition prints.  Yes, I built the website myself and launched it tonight.

My regular readers will remember that I was working on a book.  That project has been on hold for a while but I hope to pick that up again and do the final editing.  There is not a huge market out there interested in eclectic beat-style poetry so I will sell my wiring as e-books through the website to make it an affordable venture rather than the tradition find-a-publisher route.

Did I mention I went for a ride today?  Well I did.  The 2011 Road Glide fired right up and away I went this afternoon for a 2 hour ride around Niagara.  It sure felt great!  My 2004 Road Glide is for sale to make some room in the garage.

I have moved my blog to the new website so I hope you will bookmark my site and subscribe.

It's great to be back!!!

My new site

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