Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sometimes there is only love and relationship to sustain us

In my travels by Harley and by internet, I have met people from all walks of life and every imaginable socio-economic reality.  I've even met myself a few times.  My thoughts this morning where on the sheer magnitude of the issues confronting just everyday people who only want a decent life.  In the end when the external issues and seem overwhelming we only have each other to turn to for support, sustenance and love.

I may not get time to blog for a day or two so a vignette now and again?

We stood on the hard dune
Overlooking a winter storm sea
Arms around each other for warmth
And to brace against the building storm
I was aware of you beside me
I felt the comfort of our union
But our eyes were focused on the challenge
Of the sea and the storm
Would we prevail?
Would we survive?
When the sand is stripped away
And the bare rock beneath is exposed
Our only shelter is ourselves
And the bond of love and strength between us

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