Saturday, April 16, 2011

Let Creation Reveal Its Secrets By and By

It’s a hot and sunny day in mid April here in central Texas.  I’m ensconced in the air conditioned comfort of a Holiday Inn waiting to swing into action and get dressed for my new friend’ s Sweetbear and ElectroGlide 07’s (their BON handles) wedding.  I am really looking forward to this event.  They are salt-of-the-earth wonderful people and so much in love that it glows. 

I woke up this morning feeling conflicted.  I am in a strange place for me to be in and a place that is never really comfortable place for a person who has two speeds; asleep and full speed ahead.  I am in a place that demands patience.  What the heck is that?

Relationships are tricky things (Duh!!! What else is new???).  Here I am wanting to get to know someone better but the social situation and the requirements of propriety, make that “want” something that isn’t going to happen.  Right now at least.  So the bull in the china shop needs to find patience.  I spent time this morning meditating on patience and man, I think I have to learn how to be patient when every part of me is screaming “Warp 10 Mr. Sulu”.  I guess I can look at it as building character.

When I am in these spots, as many of you know who read my blogs, I listen to music.  And often, when it comes to matters of heart, I turn to Jackson Browne.  So here I am in the hotel listening to his Late for the Sky record and Before the Deluge is cued up and playing.  “Let Creation Revel Its Secrets By and By”.  How appropriate!  What will be will be and it will happen in its own time when it is right.  Reaching for the brass ring right now may lead me to be swept away before the deluge. 

Some of them were dreamers
And some of them were fools
Who were making plans and thinking of the future
With the energy of the innocent
They were gathering the tools
They would need to make their journey back to nature
While the sand slipped through the opening
And their hands reached for the golden ring
With their hearts they turned to each other's heart for refuge
In the troubled years that came before the deluge

Some of them knew pleasure
And some of them knew pain
And for some of them it was only the moment that mattered
And on the brave and crazy wings of youth
They went flying around in the rain
And their feathers, once so fine, grew torn and tattered
And in the end they traded their tired wings
For the resignation that living brings
And exchanged love's bright and fragile glow
For the glitter and the rouge
And in the moment they were swept before the deluge

Now let the music keep our spirits high
And let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal its secrets by and by
By and by--
When the light that's lost within us reaches the sky

Some of them were angry
At the way the earth was abused
By the men who learned how to forge her beauty into power
And they struggled to protect her from them
Only to be confused
By the magnitude of her fury in the final hour
And when the sand was gone and the time arrived
In the naked dawn only a few survived
And in attempts to understand a thing so simple and so huge
Believed that they were meant to live after the deluge

Now let the music keep our spirits high
And let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal its secrets by and by
By and by

I am drawn to the lines

And exchanged love's bright and fragile glow
For the glitter and the rouge
And in the moment they were swept before the deluge

Pushing for the instant gratification of something that only time can present in its maturity risk breaking the fragility of the beginning.  So patience, Dear Kim.  Don’t repeat old mistakes

From the yet to be titled book:

I hear the echoes
Of my heart beating
In the cavity
That is my life
Filling the silence
A rhythmic reminder

In the darkness
Parted curtain light
Steaks your body with yellow
In the darkness
You're breathing softly
Caressing my shoulder rhythmically
In the darkness
Soft cries of promises
Just moments before our loving
In the darkness
Your tender touch
Eases my heart raises my spirit
In the darkness
And my silent prayer
That this happiness will never end


  1. Loving your blogs Kim!

    Well Kim, you are ahead of the game already .....aware of past history and trying not to repeat. And see....there is no such thing as mistakes when you've learned something from what's gone down before and carry it forward. Something good can come from everything! Enjoy the ride! :)

  2. Thanks MArianne. I really appreciate your comments and yes an old dog can learn some new tricks.. All is good and looks like things will work out just fine :)

  3. I like your blog! Great ride! I like the saying up top as well!...Daniel

  4. Thanks Daniel. I appreciate your positive comment
